User talk:J3gum

Revision as of 14:21, 12 October 2011 by J3gum (talk | contribs) (Responded to the "De-pretty/complicate the page" query.)

De-pretty/complicate the page?

Hi! I've seen your edit to "De-pretty/complicate the page" and I don't understand why you did that? Don't we want our wiki to be pretty too? I don't think the page was overly complicated, just a few boxes so that one does not have to scroll down, as the page gets longer and longer. -- Ckujau 06:02, 12 October 2011 (UTC)

First, I apologize if I've overstepped. That was not my intention. I did try to add a link and header before the edit to which you referred. When added, the system generated table of contents overlapped the "custom box divisions". I added these two edits as two separate edits in case someone wanted to reimplement the "prettiness." I do believe these "prettiness" additions raise the bar for entry, that is not needed, for people trying to add content to the page. -- J3gum 14:21, 12 October 2011 (UTC)