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Chapter 9. Internal Inodes

9.1. Quota Inodes
9.2. Real-time Inodes
9.2.1. Real-Time Bitmap Inode
9.2.2. Real-Time Summary Inode
XFS allocates several inodes when a filesystem is created. These are internal and not accessible from the standard directory structure. These inodes are only accessible from the superblock.

9.1.  Quota Inodes

If quotas are used, two inodes are allocated for user and group quota management. If project quotas are used, these replace the group quota management and therefore uses the group quota inode.
  • Project quota's primary purpose is to track and monitor disk usage for directories. For this to occur, the directory inode must have the XFS_DIFLAG_PROJINHERIT flag set so all inodes created underneath the directory inherit the project ID.
  • Inodes and blocks owned by ID zero do not have enforced quotas, but only quota accounting.
  • ­Extended attributes do not contribute towards the ID's quota .
  • To access each ID's quota information in the file, seek to the ID offset multiplied by the size of xfs_dqblk_t (136 bytes).
Quota information stored in the two inodes (in data extents) are an array of the xfs_dqblk_t structure where there is one instance for each ID in the system:
typedef struct xfs_disk_dquot {
     __be16                     d_magic;
     __u8                       d_version;
     __u8                       d_flags;
     __be32                     d_id;
     __be64                     d_blk_hardlimit;
     __be64                     d_blk_softlimit;
     __be64                     d_ino_hardlimit;
     __be64                     d_ino_softlimit;
     __be64                     d_bcount;
     __be64                     d_icount;
     __be32                     d_itimer;
     __be32                     d_btimer;
     __be16                     d_iwarns;
     __be16                     d_bwarns;
     __be32                     d_pad0;
     __be64                     d_rtb_hardlimit;
     __be64                     d_rtb_softlimit;
     __be64                     d_rtbcount;
     __be32                d_rtbtimer;
     __be16                d_rtbwarns;
     __be16                d_pad;
} xfs_disk_dquot_t;
typedef struct xfs_dqblk {
     xfs_disk_dquot_t      dd_diskdq;
     char                  dd_fill[32];
} xfs_dqblk_t;
Specifies the signature where these two bytes are 0x4451 (XFS_DQUOT_MAGIC), or "DQ" in ASCII.
Specifies the structure version, currently this is one (XFS_DQUOT_VERSION).
Specifies which type of ID the structure applies to:
#define XFS_DQ_USER  0x0001
#define XFS_DQ_PROJ  0x0002
#define XFS_DQ_GROUP 0x0004
The ID for the quota structure. This will be a uid, gid or projid based on the value of d_flags.
Specifies the hard limit for the number of filesystem blocks the ID can own. The ID will not be able to use more space than this limit. If it is attempted, ENOSPC will be returned.
Specifies the soft limit for the number of filesystem blocks the ID can own. The ID can temporarily use more space than by d_blk_softlimit up to d_blk_hardlimit. If the space is not freed by the time limit specified by ID zero's d_btimer value, the ID will be denied more space until the total blocks owned goes below d_blk_softlimit.
Specifies the hard limit for the number of inodes the ID can own. The ID will not be able to create or own any more inodes if d_icount reaches this value.
Specifies the soft limit for the number of inodes the ID can own. The ID can temporarily create or own more inodes than specified by d_ino_softlimit up to d_ino_hardlimit. If the inode count is not reduced by the time limit specified by ID zero's d_itimer value, the ID will be denied from creating or owning more inodes until the count goes below d_ino_softlimit.
Specifies how many filesystem blocks are actually owned by the ID.
Specifies how many inodes are actually owned by the ID.
Specifies the time when the ID's d_icount exceeded d_ino_softlimit. The soft limit will turn into a hard limit after the elapsed time exceeds ID zero's d_itimer value. When d_icount goes back below d_ino_softlimit, d_itimer is reset back to zero.
Specifies the time when the ID's d_bcount exceeded d_blk_softlimit. The soft limit will turn into a hard limit after the elapsed time exceeds ID zero's d_btimer value. When d_bcount goes back below d_blk_softlimit, d_btimer is reset back to zero.
d_iwarns d_bwarns d_rtbwarns
Specifies how many times a warning has been issued. Currently not used.
Specifies the hard limit for the number of real-time blocks the ID can own. The ID cannot own more space on the real-time subvolume beyond this limit.
Specifies the soft limit for the number of real-time blocks the ID can own. The ID can temporarily own more space than specified by d_rtb_softlimit up to d_rtb_hardlimit. If d_rtbcount is not reduced by the time limit specified by ID zero's d_rtbtimer value, the ID will be denied from owning more space until the count goes below d_rtb_softlimit
Specifies how many real-time blocks are currently owned by the ID.
Specifies the time when the ID's d_rtbcount exceeded d_rtb_softlimit. The soft limit will turn into a hard limit after the elapsed time exceeds ID zero's d_rtbtimer value. When d_rtbcount goes back below d_rtb_softlimit, d_rtbtimer is reset back to zero.
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